Thursday, December 22, 2011

Baked Potatoes, Bananas, and Twinkies #61

A while back we touched on ingredients in the processed foods we eat and how they may effect your body. And do you want to be consuming additives with absolutely no nutritional value which are no more than industrial chemicals?  Someone has written a book on the 39 ingredients in a Twinkie and their other uses.  One is polysorbate 60.  It is an ingredient in Twinkies and other foods we eat.  mmmm sounds good, right.  Well it is also used in antifreeze, coolwhip, cosmetics, and personal lubricants.  And yes, it is consumed by millions daily in Twinkies alone.   And what good thing does it do for your body....nothing, if you don't count keeps you from freezing up in the winter.  Of course, you would have to eat a bunch of Twinkies to absorb enough to be freeze proof.   I still wonder about the chemicals fed to animals and used in preserving, that you consume through eating red meat.  By the way a Twinkie contains 150 calories which surprises me, I thought it would be more.  And what does it say about additives and preservers, and emulsifiers when the calories are the least harmful thing you would get from eating a Twinkie.  You know, Twinkies are really good tasting, and some professor lost 27 pounds in 7 weeks by eating a Twinkie every 3 hours.  He also ate other snack foods.  He did not eat anything with nutrition value, his point was to prove you can lose weight by cutting calories, period.  So he ate Twinkies, Oreo cookies, Little Debbie snacks and sugary cereal for 7 weeks and lost 27 pounds.    

I have had to alter my exercise routine and frequency for the last week or so, and I don't see it getting back to normal very quickly.  I did something, not sure what, that stressed my lower back.  My fitness center has made many improvements and upgrades to those strength training machines needing it.  Some needed no more than normal maintenance.  One I use daily, the total abdominal strength machine,  is one of my favorites.  As part of it's maintenance, the movement had been adjusted back to original.  Not knowing this, I set my normal weight and went to the first motion lifting the weight and unexpectedly came to a sudden stop as I met an unusual amount of resistance.  This sudden stop, stressed my lower back.  I continued to follow my complete routine, which was a mistake, and for the next 2 days my lower back continued to worsen. Today I could not do four strength exercises, which was a disappointment to me.  I am concerned that it may be a few weeks before I can get back to my normal routine, and by then it will be like starting all over again, as far as regaining my strength.  For those of you new, or just beginning to exercise, I have found when getting away for you daily routine, you very quickly regress and lose the progress you have made. 

Since beginning to change to a healthier lifestyle and eating healthy foods, baked potatoes have been a regular part of my diet.  I have always preferred baked potatoes plain with no dressing, or some unusual healthy dressings.  I may put broccoli, vegetable soup, or worcestershire sauce on my potato.   I have never  used sour cream, butter or some of the more common dressings on my baked potatoes.   If you will try a baked potato plain, you will taste the natural sweetness and flavor of the potato.   They are a healthy food, low in calories and full of vitamins and nutrients.  Potatoes are not often thought of as a health food because they are mostly eaten as french fries, or potato chips.   But when baked and eaten plain they are a healthy choice for your new healthy foods lifestyle..

Bananas are another good choice for healthy eaters.  I absolutely eat at least one a day.  They have a great taste, go well with other foods and are high in vitamins B6 and C.   Medical studies have found bananas to be effective in reducing blood pressure and heart disease risk.  Bananas also contain compounds that reduce stomach acids and reduce those disorders.  I enjoy having a banana as a sweet treat.

Next time exercise and doctor's office for check up.

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