Sunday, September 11, 2011

Honey, Sorghum, Christmas #38

Since I presented agave as an alternative sweetener to table sugars, I should go over the health benefits of honey.   I wrote that I did not care for the taste of agave.  Honey was my taste preference.

Honey possesses many photonutrients produced by bees during the natural process of making honey from the nectar of flowers.  According to Worlds Healthiest Foods, some honey nutrients are known to have cancer preventing and anti tumor properties.  Many of the benefits of these nutrients are lost when honey is heated to high temperatures during processing.  Honey contains 10 different friendly bacteria, and properties to help lower bad cholesterol.   It is high in calories, 1 oz. having 128.
Honey is probably a lifetime favorite of most of us. I certainly like and plan to continue to eat it.  Then there is also sorghum molasses, which is also a natural sweetener similar to honey in health benefits and a little bit higher in calories.  One tablespoon being 61 calories.  I really like the taste of sorghum, especially over pancakes or biscuits.

We have a family holiday tradition at our home each Christmas morning. We all gather for a once a year holiday breakfast.  We have ham, country ham, red eye gravy, milk gravy, sausage, eggs, biscuits, and loads of crispy bacon.  Michelle and Brent have a contest on who can eat the most bacon before Cindy can get it to the table.   My personal favorite use to be sorghum molasses poured over a biscuit with butter.  2 or 3 of those.  Throw in some country ham smothered in gravy and you would have to walk 2 days on a treadmill to get rid of those calories. There is more meat eaten in our home that day than the combined year. Our son's eating habits are a lot like the previous me, he enjoys eating, especially red meat. Our daughter Ann eats a healthy diet.  Her husband is like Brent when it comes to food, he enjoys eating.  Michelle and her husband also eat a very healthy diet.  Since Michelle and her husband begin working out and training seriously for triathlon competition earlier this  year they have really become slim and fit.  I've been wondering how much weight she has lost, but Cindy told me you never ever ask a woman that question.......I mean like what's the deal, when I lost all that weight, I would try to maneuver the conversation to where somebody would have to ask me how much I had lost......I don't think I would even be tempted by the Christmas ham, bacon, or gravy.  You know a couple of those biscuits and molasses might be worth the extra treadmill work....

My workouts are not boring, but they are basically the same repetitive daily exercises.  I not bored with them and do not dread working out daily.  However, I am concerned that because I am not writing daily about exercising I am not reaching out to everyone.   My wife and two daughters encouraged me to begin writing this, I think, mostly because they were glad for me that I overcame the set backs of a heart attack. But also because I should let others know how I did it.  Well I'm just letting you know if you are not exercising, or working out, you are not truly going to recover to the extent you are probably capable of achieving.

Michelle and her husband competed  this weekend in a triathlon in Nashville.  She finished 2nd and he finished 1st in their groups.  I am really proud of them and for them in their competing at such a high level.  I think being passed by an old codger (her words, not mine) a couple of weeks ago motivated Michelle to take it to another level.

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