Monday, May 14, 2012

Beta Blockers #102

I finally had my cardiologist office appointment and as soon as I get results back I will let you know.  He was surprised at my low blood pressure results and studied Cindy's record of the daily readings closely.  Most of the very lowest were after exercising, so he would like me to take more readings before exercising and not so closely after exercise for reference.  He also is changing one and possibly two of my blood pressure medications.  Perhaps eliminating one completely.  He talked about a beta blocker I am taking.  I am not sure if it was one he was reducing dosage or not.   In my opinion, I don't seem to be improving my stamina or strength.  As a matter of fact, in the last two or three weeks it seems to have gotten worse.  I am tiring out quickly after very minimal activity.   After exercising I no longer feel the surge of energy that I had been feeling.  My cardiologist feels it is directly related to the low blood pressure.  I am going to try and do better by taking my pressure up to four times daily.   Having those readings documented were an obvious benefit to my cardiologist yesterday.

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables.  I like the taste and will eat asparagus as a vegetable portion to my meal, or add it to a salad for variety.  Asparagus has a very high respiration rate, which is a new term I have just learned.  After being picked from the field, asparagus continues to have metabolic activity.  It continues to absorb oxygen, breaking down starches, sugars, and releasing carbon dioxide.  This natural process is known as the respiration rate.  A very scientific way to state spoilage or perishable rate.   As a comparison, asparagus perishable rate is 5 times higher than that of an onion or potato.  It is recommended that fresh asparagus be eaten within 48 hours after purchase.     It's health benefits are to be very high in vitamins B, K and A.  It contains high amounts of inulin, which is beneficial to your digestive tract.  It also contains high amounts of heart healthy anti-oxidants, and saponins which have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.   I have read where canned asparagus loses some of it's nutritional value.   Asparagus contains no cholesterol or fat and is about 5 calories per spear.  I consider it a healthy food to eat fresh or canned.

Like most of you, I take a beta blocker, but do not really know much about them other than it is to help lower my blood pressure.  So I decided to do some reading and research on it.   What I found was a very complicated drug, with many health benefits for heart patients and those people with other serious health problems.  The issue was much too complex for me to put into a paragraph, so I am going to only go over what I feel relates to us.   Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure, irregular or rapid heart rates, glaucoma, and social anxiety.   Beta blockers have a counteractive  effect on adrenaline on beta receptors, which are found in your nervous system and heart.  The beta blockers reduce your heart rate and the force with which your heart contracts, which reduces your blood pressure.  You may remember posting #87  being about lightheadedness and dizziness.  Those two symptons can be attrributed to the effects of beta-blockers.  Doing what they are intended to do.  In my case exercise and lower weight have had the effect of lowering my blood pressure, and the added effect of taking a beta-blocker has resulted in my blood pressure and heart rate being too low.  My cardiologist uses the beta blockers for my blood pressure control and to regulate my heart rate.  I suspect he is going to soon change that medication.

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