Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oatmeal, Nuts, and Exercise #46

My diet, food I eat, weight control, healthy eating, whatever you want to label it, continues to change and evolve.  Some things I have changed because  I felt nutrition wise I needed a change.  My basics remain the same.  Oatmeal for breakfast, and on occasion for lunch.  I consider oatmeal at breakfast as a necessity. Good for me, gives me energy, and is filling and a good way to start the day.  Sometimes at lunch for weight control, and it is filling and tasty to me.   Enough on oatmeal.  Other mainstay foods for me.   Bake potato with some sort of topping. Could be left over soup, chili, or as last nights broccoli and sliced or cubed chicken breast.   I don't know of much you could not use on a baked potato that suits your taste.  Try it.   It is a dinner item for me.  Usually with a salad and you have a complete meal.  Vegetable soup or about any other soup Cindy prepares for us is my other favorite.  Some things I have changed are I am not eating as much fruit as previously. Again this is personal not a recommendation to you.  I felt like I was eating too much fruit daily.  At least 3 or 4 whole fruits daily, oranges, apples, bananas, melon, not counting several strawberries.  I think I was taking in more sugar than I should have been.   I am also not eating as many walnuts and sunflower kernels daily.  I was  eating them for protein and good health. I had become addicted to them and was eating them by the handful, plus adding to my salads.  Which adding to the salads is  tasty,  and another way to eat nuts, while adding a healthy protein to your daily diet. 

For those of you wanting to lose another 5 or 10 pounds before going to your next check up at your cardiologist here is an idea.  A few weeks ago I was scheduled for  an exam.  I had to go on a restricted diet for 4 days, day four was restricted to liquids. Broth, coffee, jello, all you want......, yeah. Well I lost 9 pounds.  I also discovered I had a taste for jello, which I do not recall eating for years.  Cindy says it contains a lot of sugars, too much to be good for you.

Since adding  a few new exercises to my regular workout routine I am going to have to add time or rotate days on doing all of them.  One reason is there are two more I want to add and I need to decide about going longer or rotating.  I really thought at some time I would be able to jog or run.   But I am pretty sure I will not be able nor should do that.  I don't think my back and joints are young enough to take the pounding of running or jogging.  Nor do I think it would be very smart to see how hard I could push my heart considering I have one coronary artery out of commission.  Like you, I have come a long way in my recovery.  But I still have a limit on my stamina.  And my energy can run out quickly.  Not like before. when I would gradually get tired, then have to take a break and rest for a while, and it would not be too long before I would be ready to go again.  Now it is like all of a sudden I just run out of energy, and there is no energizing myself with an hour or so of rest.  It is like done for the day.

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