Thursday, August 25, 2011

Healthy Food And President Clinton #34

I'm not posting as often as you are accustomed to me doing, only because I am not sure how many of you are getting bored about my exercising, and ideas on eating healthy, diet, weight control, and weight loss.  My weight seems to remain pretty constant varying around 3 - 4 pounds.  I read today where President Bill Clinton says he has been eating a vegan diet for the past year.  The difference between vegan and vegetarian being vegan eats no meat products, such as eggs, milk, cheese.  I would like to know exactly what President Clinton's diet is for a week.  There could be some of it I might like to try. You know, his previous eating habits, and health history are very similar to yours and mine.  Over weight, eating everything from fast food to lavish state dinners.  I always enjoyed a Saturday Night Live TV skit where President Clinton goes on a White House late night jog accompanied by a fleet of security. You soon discover his purpose is to jog down to the local McDonald's and gorge himself  on burgers and fries away from the scorn of Hillary.  I haven't read anything about his exercise regiment, assuming he does have one. The last photograph I saw of him he certainly looked fit and healthy. If he is listening to us, we would like to know more about his new healthy lifestyle, eating habits, and exercise routine.

I would hope that some of you out there are taking what I write about as encouragement if you have had heart health  problems.  I am real careful, or have tried to be, in not saying that if you haven't had a heart attack, and eat, exercise, diet and follow my lead you'll avoid what some of us have gone through. And you will be the better for it.  No, I am writing for as many to read as I can get, but I am writing for and to those who have had serious heart problems and are trying to return to normal and better health.  I don't think I knew what a dire situation I had gone through and the difficulty of getting to where I am now, health wise.  I received a lot of encouragement and am wanting to do the same for others.

My exercise program is going very well.  So well that I'm thinking I need to add some new workouts to it.  I'm not sure what but intend to changing some to keep from getting bored with my workout routine.  Also, some of the exercises that were new to me and were difficult and strenuous, are now much easier and not near as difficult to do.  I am hoping to get Cindy to work out some with me, I could perhaps use some of her exercises.

I knew the title of this post would wake everyone up.  I must have been getting bored or something.  I just ate one of the best peaches ever.  There is no way a hamburger could taste as good as that peach.  I'm going to go look up how healthy peaches are for me.  If I hear from Bill Clinton about joining our health blog I'll let you know.  Until then, we will have to be content in knowing Cindy and I ate a healthy brunch at the Clinton Presidential Library restaurant (Pig And Waffle At A Wedding #25).

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