When thinking about remaining healthy as you get older, not becoming overweight, and being physically fit, the approach would be almost the same as the process of recovering successfully from heart problems. I will repeat what I have recently told you several times. I consider myself to have been completely recovered months ago and in good health. There are so many who come to this site to learn from our experiences how they can return to normal health after heart attacks or heart surgery. I am not suggesting you don't need to be under the strict care of a cardiologist, but going forward day to day you need to know what others like you went through and what worked for them.
Exercise was and still is a tremendous part of my continuing health goals. Exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. One without the other will not work as well as you need. Compound that with the reality of when you enter your senior years and having the same eating habits and diet as in your younger years will quickly have unwanted effects. Some of those are easily adding weight, increases in unhealthy cholesterol and unhealthy blood pressure levels. Add that to the fact that your heart must work harder to handle the increased weight and plaque build up in your arteries from the years of high cholesterol foods and you quickly begin to experience health issues. Which is exactly what you do not want to occur as you get older. We want to be active and enjoy the same physical activities we have enjoyed for many years. As baby boomers we no longer consider 70 years of age as being the time to sit back in the rocking chair and whistle our lives away.
In our next posting I am going to give you the complete exercises I currently do.....For you new reader go back in the achieves and read up on some of the earlier posting about healthy foods and exercise.
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