Are there any of you regular readers left out there or have all of you given up on me writing anymore?
My health continues or has continued to be very good. I will tell you more but first an update on Cindy. She continues to receive regular chemotherapy treatment. This being since August of last year 2012. She is stronger than I ever imagined anyone could be in enduring the misery of chemo along with living daily with the anguish of knowing you have a tremendous fight against a fearsome disease. We continue to live our lives close to what was normal for us thanks to her courage. No feeling sorry for her, she is up to the challenge and is not a quitter.
I personally have long been past being a rehabbing heart patient and progressed to being as physically active and healthier as any time in the last 30 years. I have done that through following a healthy diet and getting plenty of meaningful exercise. I am going to spend more time talking about healthy foods and not so healthy foods, exercise and the cardio benefits. I will be spending less time on specific heart recovery information. We have covered so much on being a heart patient that by simply going back through this blog you can find a tremendous amount of information on that subject.
One of the themes I will follow on a healthy diet is eating more natural foods, meaning foods with less chemicals, chemical additives, and foods that were just not meant for our bodies to consume and process, especially in unusual and frequent larger quantities. So we will begin those two subjects beginning in our next post. Also as we start in a somewhat new direction I would like some feedback through our comment section.
See you next time.
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