Friday, November 8, 2013

Healthy Heart Lifestyle 3 Basics #162

Today in my mailbox I found a circular on a particular product that states. "keep blood sugar and cholesterol at healthy levels. no meal replacements, increase your will power over food, reduce binge eating, lose weight by burning fat not muscle." There also was the following testimonial from a user of this product.

“I began taking products xxxx and xxxx a few months ago. I love the taste and the way I feel on the products. My energy level is amazing. In three months I lost 15 pounds and 11 inches. Over the holidays I was able to maintain my weight without denying myself. XXXX has amazing products and I am now making extra money just by sharing my story. Thank you xxxx for changing my life!”

Now back to me.
There is absolutely no miracle pill or magic wand that can turn your life around and make you healthy. There is only one way and it is not easy. It begins with your desire and motivation to change your lifestyle and become a cardiovascular healthy individual. There are 3 simple basic elements. Eat healthy foods. Lose excess weight and maintain a healthy weight. And finally, regular and effective exercise. The formula to put all of this together and make it work. Your motivation and desire.

There are hundreds of diets and diet books out there that will help you lose weight. Most of those are short term solutions. You have to be a strong individual to stay on a strict weight loss diet for an extended time.

Do not be fooled by magic drinks, fruit or vegetable solutions or any other expensive plan to solve or improve your recovery as a heart patient. If you will read the above beginning statement and testimonial it does not really commit to solve those health problems, it only implies it is healthy for you. Now before going any further there are some well known health drinks consisting of natures pure ingredients which are good for you and healthy. But even they alone are not going to make you healthy. There is no getting around the 3 basics.

I know last time I said we would go over some exercises good for heart patients. this subject came up and I felt it should be addressed. Next post we will get back to exercises.

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