Allow me to take time away from health and talk briefly about a personal occurrence at my fitness center. Cindy and I took our 2 grandchildren to swim and enjoy the afternoon there recently. The pool is for members, has a couple of water slides, and a children's section all of which our grandchildren enjoy. About half way through the afternoon a problem began when a "guest family" arrived. A woman with 7 children. They came in and took pool chairs next to ours. Moving my granddaughters things while she was in the pool, taking her pool chair for themselves so they could all fit together. The children ages from 9 or 10 through the teens. Once in the pool their two 13 or 14 year old boys begin shooting people with water guns. Now hold on I know what you may be thinking. These were not tiny little pistols and they were not shooting people in the water. Those lounging by the pool, sunbathers, those drying off, and members trying to eat poolside with their children were the targets. The two boys were using those pump action 2 foot long guns that shot 10 to 15 yards. Not allowed in our pool area by rule. This all going on while the mother sat and watched with a big smile on her face and a cell phone plugged into her ear. She was well aware of the behavior of her children and seemed amused. The two boys did not make any attempt to conceal their intentions of watering down any adult or child who was not in the pool. They water shot my grandson, which I ask them not to do again. Almost immediately they walked by and did it again. This time in view of their mother. I told the two "do not squirt him with those water guns again." I have pretty well had it with people like her and the actions of her children. Adults and juveniles who feel they are entitled to bully their way on to others. That they will not be challenged. It was not my or any other members place to correct this woman's unruly children. The parent or responsible adult should be confronted to put a stop to annoying others and asked to leave. However, in our society if you do that you risk, first a confrontation with an angry violent person. Next, you will for sure be labeled as unfair and unwilling to change and accept others for what they are. So you accept the situation, justifying why create an unnecessary problem for yourself or family and maybe these people will move on. Meaning the bully wins by outlasting your determination and using your resistance to being labeled by the "unfair and not willing to change" being so freely used by those who are quick to present themselves as victims of an unfair society in order to gain justification for their actions.
Our daughter Michelle has competed in another triathlon finishing in 1st place in her age group. She was very excited about doing so well, but even more so in that she finished better than her husband in the swimming portion. You can bet between now and the next competition they will both be in full Olympian training mode to better compete with one another.
In our area we are now getting farm fresh cherries which we wash and eat, clean and eat just as they are. Cherries are very healthful and tasty. Be sure you understand these are fresh cherries. They are not bright red and bottled in sugary syrup. We eat the fresh from the field and fruit market variety cherry. No processing other than harvest packaging and shipping to the market. Just wash thoroughly and they are ready to eat. Cherries are known as one of the super fruits. They contain high amounts of antioxidants that help you maintain a healthy heart rhythm, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Cherries are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium.
I am now doing 24 push ups during my exercise routine. After finishing that segment I seem to feel the same surge of energy and need for deep breathing as I do when walking at a very brisk pace. I consider the push ups to be good for building my cardiovascular strength. Many experts do not consider them cardio exercises, but rather as a muscle endurance exercise. I tell you this in the interest that I provide you with what I consider to be accurate information based on what I have experienced. I continue doing my push ups for cardiovascular benefit.
Our weather has been very hot, high temperatures well above 100. Sort of has gotten me in a stay indoors a lot rut. Not much new to write about concerning health foods and exercise.
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