Cindy says my recent postings have gotten boring. Too much detailed stuff about what are triglycerides, low blood pressure, pink slime, why oranges, oatmeal, asparagus, and strawberries make you healthy? Good carbs, bad carbs, too many details, just say "don't eat it, it is bad for you." Well, I didn't know trying to educate myself on being healthy and keeping the old ticker pumping was making me a boring guy. Maybe you would like to know more about how I enjoy listening to mucic via youtube while at my computer. How I have 5 terminals running from 3 desktop towers in my office. While I am writing on one, as now, I have Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 playing on another, and another is on google should I need research information, and another on a business related website. And I keep one in reserve for my 11 year old granddaughter to use when she drops in. Which is not often enough! Are you listening Michelle?..... I like latin mucic, Herb Alpert, Sergio Mendes and the music of Brazil. Movie theme music, Carly Simon, George Harrison, Bob Seger, Dean Martin, Delbert McClinton (Every time I roll The Dice) and The Beatles, are just a few of my favorites.
Perhaps I should drop in some stuff about the politics of the USA and how most Americans feel differently about changes from what many of you hear through the media. Don't you think it should be a concern to people of all countries, of the powerful influence cable news and the print media have in bias presentation of national leaders and their politics? In the U.S. a close election result can be decided or influenced in the last few hours by the live news coverage and their "independent polls." Basically cable news can pronounce a predicted winner, thus telling those yet to vote, don't waste your time, so and so is going to win the majority of votes. You can be elected President, not by what the media thinks of you, but by what they won't say about you, and how they cover and present your opponent. I could go on for several pages and hours on that subject but I am not sure that is why you are here. Yes, I would have a lot to say if I had a platform from which to say it. Unfortunately this is not it. I do overly concern myself that not just here in the USA, but worldwide, the vast majority of people are manipulated and controlled by a powerful few.
Doomsday, you want to talk about that, and the Mayan calendar, and the crystal skulls? Whoooooooooooo. let me pull the covers over my head. Seriously I think people of intelligence should not be so focused on, is it? will it? when is it? Give more thought to WHY would it?
I think I need a vacation to Hawaii, the Kahala resort in Honolulu. Great beach, great pool, and let me tell you they have the best fruit at their open air beachfront morning breakfast. There is nothing like sitting there for breakfast over looking the beach, having coffee, and watching the sun rise over the Pacific.
I want to share this thought with you. I once had an opportunity to sit alone quietly in Honolulu, overlooking the Pacific as the sun rose, on a December 7th. It made me wonder about that same December date and that same spot so many years before. On a quiet early Sunday morning, as the sight of airplanes filled the sky as they came roaring in and dropped down over Pearl Harbor. And then for me to go to Pearl Harbor and stand on the Memorial built over the sunken resting place of the USS Arizona and her sailors is a somber experience that I will never forget.
Next time we will get back to being healthy and sharing with those wanting to know what are good snacks for a recent and recovering heart attack patient.
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