I got a pretty nasty look from some spooky looking lady at our fitness center and I am still po'd about it. About midway through my routine, I was going to use the leg lift exercise equipment. I laid my towel and jacket down on a window ledge in a small corner next to someone else stuff. Several minutes later I went back to get my things and this lady walks in front of me to the same window ledge spot and picked up her things. Rather than stepping aside or moving on, she stood there fiddling with her phone device. Punching buttons, and touching screens and so forth. You would have thought she was operating a FedEx 747 or something. Anyway, rather than just pushing her aside, I stood there like I should have, oh so politely, not saying a word, thinking, well any minute now she will land her plane, put her important i-phone aside, go on out of my way, and I can get my things. Well, she didn't. She remained frozen in that spot doing something so important on her i-phone screen. Finally, I contorted my body and squeezed myself gently between the wall and her, reached down and picked up my things without pushing, or touching her, but obviously aggravating her greatly. She whipped around, staring me down and gave me the old "well you can just kiss my royal wide bodied hind end look." I smiled, remaining the gentleman I am, and courteously went on my way....That lady doesn't know how lucky she was my advocate wasn't there, she would have knocked her out.....As I have said before, I like my fitness center a lot. They are just poor judges of character when it comes to recruiting new members.
Pecans are another healthy nut or seed I eat, not daily, but once or twice a week, mostly added to salads, and maybe sometimes a handful as a snack. They are high in vitamin E. Are a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Remember us discussing them earlier. They are important cartenoids that combat free radicals. Pecans also contain vitamin B6 and high amounts of oleic acid. Oleic acid is a healthy omega-nine fatty acid found naturally in plants. It contributes to healthy cholesterol, increasing HDL levels, and reducing LDL levels. Pecans are high in calories, 20 halves being 196 calories which is the same as saying one whole pecan being 20 calories. I have a birthday coming up soon and I am going to mention to Cindy she can make a cake for the grandchildrens benefit, but I would like a pecan pie as my treat. It is probably my favorite of sweet treats over all other cakes, pies, ice cream, and candy. She makes a really good pecan pie and knows how I like it warm fresh from the oven.
There is a group of healthy vegetables known as cruciferous for their plant shape of four flowering leafs that resemble a cross. These vegetables are known to be good sources of vitamin C and K. They contain high amounts of phytochemicals and are known to reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Some of the more known cruciferous greens, and most eaten in our family, are collard greens, broccoli, horseradish, radish, turnip greens, kale, cauliflower, and cabbage.
I use to eat a lot of chips, snacking away while watching TV, or just whenever I felt the urge. Lay's potato chips and Frito corn chips were my absolute favorites. I have not done much research on either but I will share what I found for those of you still snacking just a little. Potato chips are credited with being an important contributor to weight gain, even more so than soft drinks. One ounce of potato chips contains 150 calories, is high in saturated fat and sodium. Fritos, my favorite, are 160 calories for 32 chips. You do know Fritos are small and 32 chips are not much. I use to eat 2 vending size bags for a snack. Why am I bringing up chips? We go over a lot on healthy foods, but very little about foods that are not healthy, and bad for you. I guess one thing I am realizing is, if you do, on occasion, have a special treat like pecan pie, or butter pecan ice cream, the effort and previous gains are lost and don't make it worth it. I mean immediately after you have swallowed the last bite you feel guilty and are saying to yourself - why did I do that?
I told Cindy about the lady who almost beat me up at the fitness center and she wants us to go down there and for me to point her out so she can approach her and provoke an incident. I'm looking for a new fitness club..........................
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