To start I am a lot more faithful to my exercise routine, and eating healthy than I am at writing a blog. Believe it or not it takes a lot of time to conjure up something that I feel will benefit someone out there who has experienced what I have, or is still doing all the unhealthy things to themselves as I was doing. I do not get much in the way of comments, or feedback that indicates how many of you are getting some health benefits from reading this.
I was watching a Sunday morning news magazine style TV program and they had a segment on about saturated fat is not unhealthy for you. Animal fat to be specific. That prior to the 1970's eating fat use to be considered part of a healthy diet. I didn't give much thought to this program being correct about fat and then they said something that got my attention. A congressional panel and hearing in the mid 1970's was appointed to determine if Americans were eating healthy foods and they determined through hearing, and testimony from experts, (I am sure without any vested interest) that animal fat was bad for us. And guess what..... a new food industry started growing almost immediately.... Fat free food, No fat, Low fat, Lean Cuisine, etc. etc. etc..... Well according to this segment I watched the testimony given that did not support the bad for you fat folks was ignored and swept aside. Now I am not jumping on board with the eat more fat folks, but when my government starts in telling me what is good and not good for me to eat, there are limitations on their credibility and motivations. I mean they do need to use the FDA to safeguard what we eat as being safe and edible, but when elected politicians with financial supporters with interest to protect get involved, we need to be cautious and not totally trusting. I am going to try and research this more. Stay tuned in, I'll get back to you. I really don't want to start eating pork skins, and spam again.
For various reasons I missed working out 3 consecutive days last week, which is the first time that has happened since I started my exercise routine almost 2 years ago. Anyway to make up I came back and exercised Saturday and Sunday to make up 2 of the missed days. I was actually muscle sore after the first exercise make up day. I would not have thought 3 days of not exercising had that much effect. Again it makes the point of the importance of exercise and being consistent....I think even the time of day should be consistent.
Why all of this exercise and the sometimes inconvenience of taking the time to do it. While working in our yard out back recently I heard a fire truck and emergency medical vehicles go down our street. The next day I read in the paper where a 54 year old neighbor had passed away from a heart attack. I did not know him. He was a well known ex-major league baseball player who apparently (local news reports) had not previously experienced heart problems. I thought of how sad for his family, and how lucky I was that I am to still be here to enjoy my family and especially our grandchildren. My thinking is for you and me there is a lot of motivation to take advantage of the second chance, and do the things we can control to keep our self healthy.
Next time maybe more on good food
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