Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Is Depressing, Will I Get Back To Normal ? #5

The fluid issue was a build up around the lungs and heart which is  a complication of heart surgery. This fluid normally is absorbed before it accumulates and begins to surround your lungs. Early the following morning Cindy and I were at the hospital.   My heart surgeon had explained the  procedure to me,  he would not be doing it, someone else would.  I didn't ask if the other guy wears boots.  The procedure did not go well, was very painful. We left the hospital that night at 6:30 pm.  That was the beginning of  a 2  1/2 month medical odyssey. From early October and ending around Christmas.  I had 2 or 3 doctor appointments almost weekly, outpatient and  hospital stays. I was in the hospital a couple days for a nuclear stress test for my heart, being discharged a few days before Thanksgiving.  That is when I begin to  doubt if I would ever get back to my normal life.  There is not much to tell you other than I was not making good progress, just the opposite.   I finally told my cardiologist I could not go back for another lung treatment.  I didn't think I was strong enough to endure it. It was too painful and didn't seem to be working.  The following week I went for chest x-rays and after reviewing the images the technician ask if  one of my lungs had been removed. There was so much fluid around the lung, it would not show on the x-ray.  I continued the painful procedures until my lungs began to clear.  Cindy was there with me the whole way, she never faltered.  We became pretty well know by the staff around the hospital by being there so often. While all of that was going on my cardiologist had me drop out of an  exercise recuperation program for heart patients.  He felt I could continue my walking, but not a great distance. I  maintained a very short distance walking routine while my lungs were beginning to clear.

The first lung fluid removal  was exhausting and painful.  You're taken into a room with one doctor and two nurses, you're given a local anesthetic and the surgeon explains how he is going to drain the fluid.   This is not some tiny hypodermic needle, it's large and it goes in through your back to your lung area.  A lot of fluid is removed and as it goes down there is a change of pressure in your chest cavity, your lung expands somewhat, and that is when the pain starts.  I went to recovery, Cindy was with me,  and it was several hours before I felt well enough to be discharged and sent home.

My children were very supportive and encouraging to me through the time of my recuperation.  We always have a heavy fall leaf removal and clean up around our home. Michelle and her husband saw to it that was handled for us.  Ann, our other daughter spent time helping Cindy with things she had put aside to look after me.  My wife never complained about my circumstances and believe me I gave her plenty of  reasons to.   Brent our son and youngest child, took care of all of my fall deer hunting responsibilities and anything Cindy needed him to do for us. Our children are married and have their own households and family matters to deal with, so everything they did for me was above and beyond.

   Ann, stays current on the latest electronics, computers, cell phones, and in general what I think of as high tech socializing.   Cindy and I ask  her when we need general help about those things. She got Cindy into facebooking.   Texting is something I do about once a year.  Twitting I'm not sure if you do that with your phone or computer, and I not going to ask any of our children.  I'm sure a lot of you are like me, my 9 year old grand-daughter laughs about how little I know about i-pads i-phones and so forth.

After Christmas I had an appointment with my cardiologist.  By this time I had lost 45 pounds, my cholesterol was good.   He agreed I was ready to fully resume walking, increasing my distance but needed to closely monitor my heart rate.  His instructions were as your strength improves your body will let you know what your limitations are.  "You will know what you can and can not do, don't push yourself beyond that point."

The last 3 months had been the most difficult of recuperating.  My lungs had cleared, I was getting stronger, I was improving and was ready to work on getting healthy.

Today for lunch I had oatmeal, and it was good, yeah I had oatmeal for breakfast too.  Snacked at 10:00 on a tangerine and a banana.

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