Sunday, September 30, 2012

Info #134

Next Tuesday we take Cindy to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville to see a specialist in genetic treatment methods of cancer.

I have dropped 10 pounds in the last 45 days.  Eating mostly salads, soups, chili, and some casseroles.  I continue to workout 5-6 days a week.  Obviously I am not spending anytime researching to report general heart health info to you.  I am sure you are eating healthy, paying attention to cholesterol level effects of the food you eat, and are exercising.  I include walking daily as good exercise for those not in a workout program.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heart Health For You f#133

Regular exercise, healthy diet, weight loss and control.   Those are the three basic elements of a healthy life style for a heart patient.  I consider all three to be equal in importance to us.  If I had to emphasize one it would be effective exercising on a regular basis. 

I continue to exercise to the point if I skip a day I do not feel good about my motivation and am anxious to make it up.  I still eat healthy and enjoy feeling as good as I do.   

I am going to share some things with you.  One is I changed cardiologist a couple of months ago.   I was too healthy to be feeling so badly.  Always tired, and did not have the energy level I should have had .  I went back to my initial cardiologist clinic.  He immediately changed (reduced) blood pressure medications and switched some dosages.  All of this because of the heart health progress I had made in the last three years.   I almost immediately begin to feel better and have more energy.  

Next thing to share.   My wife's health although very serious seems to be improving even to the amazement of her doctors.   I have to tell you it is God's answer to our prayers that has made this tremendous change in her prognosis.   She continues to receive agressive chemo-therapy.    Cindy went to her doctor two months ago and a simple x-ray revealed a life threatening advanced cancer.  I will continue to post a few things about heart health but you understand my focus is on caring and serving my wife.  

You who have followed  my story and advice based on what worked for me do not really need to follow me to regain your heart health.  It is all spelled out in the first sentence at the beginning of this posting.  You can do it.

 Good Luck, Best Wishes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Heart Patient Exercise#132

My wife is encouraging me to continue to write postings relevant to heart patients  becoming and remaining in good cardio health.   As some of you know Cindy is very ill.  She remains enthusiastic, and lives every day as close to what use to be normal for us.  She should be an inspiration to those who are extremely ill.

What sort of exercises you perform, and how soon after heart surgery have a lot in common with each other.  I must insert this exclusion here, and that is what I describe about initial exercise for a heart patient is based on my condition at that time and the advice of my cardiologist. You should seek the same information from your cardiologist.   I began to walk very, very short distances after being home just a few days from the hospital.  In a matter of a few weeks a short 5 minute with a stop to rest walk had become 15 minutes. And it grew from there until I was walking at a good pace for 45 minutes, including up and down some slight inclines around my neighborhood.   Inclines that before having a heart attack would have me huffing and puffing.   This was all achieved over a period of time from October 1, through late November.   By late February I had joined a fitness center and began a basic cardio fitness program for myself.  From there I developed a program for me that was at the core of three elements that have led to my return to good health.   And you can too.

Next time more on exercise.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Resveratrol Health Benefits #131

One of the more recent topics concerning healthy foods led to us to discussing the health benefits of grapes and wine.  If you remember we talked about the "French Paradox" diet.  Being so rich in fats and high cholesterol content foods yet cardiovascular disease rates remain low for their population, much as those of the Mediterranean diet.   The phytonutrient resveratrol found in grapes has very recently been credited as being a good health phenomenon having to do with each of those diet lifestyles and more.

Resveratrol is natural phenol produced by various plants.  It is used by those  plants as a natural antibiotic to fight pathogenic bacteria and fungus.  The major plant food source of resveratrol are red grapes.  Peanuts, cranberries, blueberries, and other berries are also sources.  Most berries contain less than 10% as much resveratrol as red grapes.   The major content of the resveratrol found in red grapes is in the skin.  There is some debate as to the resveratrol health benefits gained through wine consumption.  The reason being the skin of the grape not being significant in the process of wine production.  The high concentration in the skin of red grapes is not under debate or dispute.  For your information those major brands of grape juice you see on store shelves are not considered significant sources.  For the sake of ease of discussion as we go into the health benefits of resveratrol it will be understood that we will assume those benefits of eating grapes or drinking red wine are one and the same.

There is evidence from some medical studies that resveratrol consumption can slow the aging process.  There are also studies that indicate that regular drinking red wine or eating grapes can lower the risk of dementia.  

I will pause here and explain researching the health benefits of resveratrol is a subject too complicated for me to accurately, without exact detail, completely describe in writing and pass along to you.   However it is not too complicated for you and I to form our own opinions which I have done.  Not long after I wrote an article on reservatrol and grapes I began to see some medical news about compelling evidence that drinking red wine and eating grapes may slow aging and the on coming of Alzheimers disease.  Until doing this research I did not realize Alzheimer's is a form of dementia.  I thought they were two separate diseases.  Obviously there is much debate over the various health benefits associated with resveratrol.  However there is no disputing the healthy facts of the Mediterranean diet and the French Paradox.

There are many resveratrol cardiovascular health benefits that we discussed a while back.  The Mayo Clinic points out there is no clear evidence that red wine is better than any other forms of alcohol for heart health.   Polyphenol antioxidants in red wine may protect the linings of blood vessels in the heart.  Resveratrol is thought to reduce bad HDL cholesterol, prevent blood clots, and prevent damage to blood vessels.

While there are resveratrol supplements available. The Mayo Clinic states that there is no known harm from taking resveratrol supplements, however "most" of the resveratrol in supplements can not be absorbed by your body.

For a heart patient I am practicing what I discuss.  I eat red grapes almost daily and have began to drink a glass of red wine most evenings.